09 February 2012

Pretty lady,
I truly believe there are currents in our beings that transmit these 'thoughts' one might have toward an individual or someone they are close to. Yesterday afternoon you popped in my head while I was laying on my back porch staring at the sky. I don't know why?
"What ever happened," I similarly thought to myself. Why are we as humans so anxious to feel appreciated and embraced, but just as easily swayed to question and doubt everything that feels natural and secure? I believe it's a new adaptation, one humans developed in the last 200 years, as our idea of 'socializing' and 'intimacy' have been reinvented with each passing decade. It's the devil and heaven all in one. Even with all of our simplicity and luxuries, life for a 21st century Homo sapien sapiens is a difficult road, particularly if one strives to be moral and just.
That being said, I don't know what happened. And I don't believe it can be known, or is worth discovering.
I really am humbled by your email and that you took the time to share your thoughts. Thank you, it truly puts me at peace. I've learned over the years that I tend to thrive on forming bonds, relationships; meeting new people and learning, sharing. I also know that my life has been quite an erratic and transient one, which makes it difficult to have a predisposition toward people and love. And though I've learned and acclimated myself to let go, it would be a lie to say I don't hold on. These things linger for a long time in me. And I honestly don't think I could have it any other way.
It would be wonderful if you would update on your life, wheabouts, etc. I tried to pull you up on facebook but see we are no longer friends. I shall request it.
be well, stay gorgeous and please stay in touch
Mitchell Robert Robinson

10 January 2012

Wendell Berry on Corporate Personhood

The folly at the root of this foolish economy began with the idea that a corporation should be regarded, legally, as “a person.” But the limitless destructiveness of this economy comes about precisely because a corporation is not a person. A corporation, essentially, is a pile of money to which a number of persons have sold their moral allegiance. Unlike a person, a corporation does not age. It does not arrive, as most persons finally do, at a realization of the shortness and smallness of human lives; it does not come to see the future as the lifetime of the children and grandchildren of anybody in particular. It can experience no personal hope or remorse, no change of heart. It cannot humble itself. It goes about its business as if it were immortal, with the single purpose of becoming a bigger pile of money. The stockholders essentially are usurers, people who “let their money work for them,” expecting high pay in return for causing others to work for low pay. The World Trade Organization enlarges the old idea of the corporation-as-person by giving the global corporate economy the status of a super-government with the power to overrule nations.

Berry, Wendell; Daly, Herman (2010-04-23). What Matters?: Economics for a Renewed Commonwealth (pp. 185-186).

01 January 2012


Home is one place in all this world where hearts are sure of each other. It is a place of confidence. It is where we tear off that mask of guarded and suspicious coldness which the world forces us to wear in self-defense, and where we pour out the unreserved communications of full and confiding hearts. It is the spot where expressions of tenderness gush out without any sensation of awkwardness and without any dread of ridicule.
- Frederick W. Robertson